Who are we?

Our Mision

To Worship God – 1 Peter 2:9  …so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
To Make disciples – Matthew 28:18-20 ….Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.
To Be the church -Matthew 16:18 …….and on this *rock I will build My church, and the forces of Hades will not overpower it.


Our Vision
Is to push the walls of the church into the community.
That we will be a house of prayer
That we will be a people full of hope and joy
That we will do good deeds and heal people from the tyranny of the devil in the North End, Yuma,       and the world through Christ.
That we will be fruitful (Bear much fruit)
That we will be a place where everyone Experiences Grace
That we will make disciples
Bring the Light and Hope of the Gospel to the North End.
Bringing together the community to impact the North End
Build network of churches, non-profits, government, and  businesses to help the North End to Thrive but still keep God focused
Provide opportunities for investment into the community.
Partnership with the City