Who are we?
Our Mision
To Worship God – 1 Peter 2:9 …so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
To Make disciples – Matthew 28:18-20 ….Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.
To Be the church -Matthew 16:18 …….and on this *rock I will build My church, and the forces of Hades will not overpower it.
Our Vision
Is to push the walls of the church into the community.
▪ That we will be a house of prayer
▪ That we will be a people full of hope and joy
▪ That we will do good deeds and heal people from the tyranny of the devil in the North End, Yuma, and the world through Christ.
▪ That we will be fruitful (Bear much fruit)
▪ That we will be a place where everyone Experiences Grace
▪ That we will make disciples
▪ Bring the Light and Hope of the Gospel to the North End.
▪ Bringing together the community to impact the North End
▪ Build network of churches, non-profits, government, and businesses to help the North End to Thrive but still keep God focused
▪ Provide opportunities for investment into the community.
▪ Partnership with the City